Friday, August 20, 2010

Ground Zero Mosque

 Sign, copy, send to

No to Ground Zero Mosque

I as a true America voice my outrage at the mention of a mosque being built by ground zero and say absolutely not to the project.



Say NO to ground zero mosque

I'm starting a petition, please sign it and send it to   I will post the final product in a week or two and we'll be sending to media organizations every where.   include your email by your name if you'd like.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

22 Days

   In 22 days I will be receiving and incredible gift, the gift of life essentially. In 22 days I will be getting a kidney transplant, and I'm young, 24.  This is the beginning of a journal I will keep on the road to a successful transplant and recovery.  I wanted to start this along with other avenues of documentation for another purpose, just in case something happens I want "Sypheria"to carry on.  More about that later when I have a video uploaded.  For now I'm just sucking in the fresh air cause I know I'll be in a hospital bed for a couple weeks after.  So far day 22 isn't that bad.

May Providence Prevail