Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Save America Vote Sypherian

 I type to you all as an American; saying let me be, let US be. For too long we have been smothered in indecentcy, crippled and bound by political correctness. I think what has ultimately resulted is a breaking of extra ordinary souls and a feeling of being obedient to weakness and subtle speech.

We with good hearts and intentions for our fellow man, have conceded and let ourselves be silenced for the happiness of those who will never be happy anyway. For their anger and distaste is distributed on those with the spirit to figh,t because they will not, the spirit of the American, of the Sypherian.

This incredible piece of land that we as a nation own is a gift to be daily praised and recognized not shunned and apologized for. When you're done reading this look at the land, this land and grass that we step on was once soaked and grown threw blood. The blood of our ancestors who would have rather died painfully in the streets in agony from British bullets, their houses and land burnt to the ground rather then see us live in that tyranny their children's children's children's slaves to Imperial Britain. Their sacrifices and victories were the most selfless acts that we have had the privilege to call our history.

I come to you today torn and tangled in treacherous times that have been pushed on us because we allowed it to be but ....NO MORE. We with growing confidence and spirit will brave these turbulent waters and the platform that I represent can lead us to a new day.

The Sypherian party is a party that promotes purposeful life; the Sypherian party is a party of protection. The Sypherian party which is founded on principles that are displayed and make a graft which no decision will be made without going threw. We are not like Republicans and Democrats party we do not make decisions without foundation we will not sway one side or the other because of money. You can find out more on May 2nd when the Syoheria web site is up and running, watch the blod for updates.  Now I ask you are that what you’re looking for as I am? Are you looking to GAIN OUR SELF RESPECT BACK as a nation and as individuals proudly called  the American?

I have prepared us a way out. The book "Sypheria" is coming out in late May so watch for daily updates. The Sypheria website will be up May 2nd so be sure to check it out to view articles, mission statements and much much more which will explain fully our cause and how you can join.

So in conclusion let this be more then a spark of curiosity let this be more then a silent movement that slumbers in your mind. Lets us move, take action, and make history forever. There is no difference between us and the founding Fathers; they were men human beings with the responsibility of making heavy decisions. They were men surrounded by the choke hold of those who thought they were superior in ever way.

But WE are more then just human beings we are ALL specially selected for this time, this age to step up when others won’t. We are those whose voices will be heard no suppression will occur here!! We will be heard with a rising of liberty.

These days will not remain silent WE MOVE FORWARD AS AMERICANS AND AMERICA WILL FOLLOW BEHIND US. We will be remembered as those whose lives were special and instrumental in the growth of the greatest nation to ever exist on this planet.

Our country needs us, our country cries for us at every protest and Tea Party rally and I say to you let us with the Sypherian party answer those cries. Say to this charlatan and his administration, let us be the weavers of the design of future freedom for our children, my God let us be what we wee born to be, let us be....Americans.

-Dominic Matich

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